Tour Code: 9CKWL

About this tour


  • 月亮山是阳朔境内的奇景,它在高田乡凤楼村边,高达380多米。因为山顶是有一个贯穿的大洞,好像一轮皓月,高而明亮,所以人们叫它明月峰,俗称月亮山

  • 阳朔十里画廊位于阳朔月亮山,因沿路风景秀丽,如诗如画,被称为阳朔十里画廊。主要景观有海豚出水、火焰山、龙角山、青厄风光、古榕美景等。

  • 阳朔西街 又被戏称洋人街,至今仍是小家碧玉型的南方村镇建筑规模,但却显现着国际情调的人文景观。

  • 兴坪古镇– 是桂林境内的一个千年古镇。

  • 探秘地心之旅冠岩风景区游览有两项世界基尼斯纪录,有世界岩洞之冠美誉的景区。进入岩洞,可搭乘观光电瓶车(往返电瓶车费已含)全球唯一岩洞观光电梯(观光电梯费已含)搭乘岩洞内的(小火车车费已含)随后搭乘小船穿越岩洞地下暗河(洞内船费已含),来到地下暗河出口,一路向上行来到出口搭乘观光电瓶车欣赏美丽的田园山水风光

  • 花海布尼梯田这里可以(含缆车费)搭乘缆车到达花海梯田的顶端,在空中俯瞰梯田花海的美桂海碑林历代文人墨客留下的摩崖石刻,其中最出名的是世界唯一的男身留胡须的观音摩崖石刻图和魁星点斗图

  • 上下九路步行街 东起上下九,西至第十甫西,横穿宝华路、文昌路,这里是广州市的老商业马路。

  • 桂林吾悦广场商业体游逛这里小吃街这里有来自全国各地及东南亚特色小吃。


桂林 茶博士,丝绸厂,玉店,养身馆,竹炭商场


桂林 世外桃园,鱼鹰捕鱼,山水间秀,两江四湖夜景(车游),东西巷+,靖江王府古城


RMB 550/





    • Moon Hill – It is a wonder in Yangshuo. It is near Fenglou Village, Gaotian Township, with a height of more than 380 meters. Because there is a big hole through the top of the mountain, like a bright moon, high and bright, so people call it Mingyue Peak, commonly known as Moon Mountain.

    • Shi Li Hua Lang – Located in Moon Mountain, Yangshuo, it is known as Yangshuo Shili Gallery because of the beautiful scenery along the road. The main landscapes include dolphins coming out of the water, Flame Mountain, Longjiao Mountain, Qing’e scenery, ancient banyan scenery and so on.

    • Xijie Pedestrian Street– It is also jokingly called Foreigner’s Street. It is still a small-scale southern village and town building scale, but it shows an international cultural landscape.

    • Xingping Ancient Town – It is a thousand-year-old town in Guilin.

    • Lijiang Guanyan Scenic Area – Visit the scenic spot with two Guinness World Records and the reputation of being the crown of caves in the world. Entering the cave, you can take a sightseeing battery car (round-trip battery included), the only cave sightseeing elevator in the world (elevator included), and take a ride in the cave (train included), and then take a boat to cross the underground river in the cave (boat included), come to the underground underground river exit, go all the way up to the exit, take a sightseeing battery car to enjoy the beautiful pastoral landscape scenery

    • Flower Sea Buni Terraces – take the cable car (including cable car) to the top of the flower sea terraces, overlooking the beauty of the flower sea terraces in the air

    • Guihai Tablets Forest – Cliff stone carvings left by literati and inkmen in the past dynasties, the most famous of which are the world’s only bearded Guanyin Cliff Stone Carvings and Kuixing Diandou Picture

    • Shangxiajiu Street– From Shangxiajiu in the east to Shishifuxi in the west, it crosses Baohua Road and Wenchang Road. This is an old commercial road in Guangzhou

    • Guilin Wuyue Plaza– Visit the snack street here, where there are special snacks from all over the country and Southeast Asia.


GuiLin Chinese TeaSilk FactoryJade Health Salon Bamboo charcoal

Compulsory Tour

GuiLin Shiwai Taoyuan Osprey Fishing Landscape show Night View of Two Rivers and Four Lakes (Coach Tour) East West Street , Jingjiang Princes’ Palace

Collect RMB

RMB 550/ PAX


Yangshuo local flavor {Beer Fish}, Guilin Rice Noodle Banquet, Ethnic flavor buffet in Yuxi Building, Macau Restaurant, Chun Kee Roast Goose Restaurant, Jiang Zhou Yipin Restaurant (Guilin Local Cuisine), Cantonese Xindu Chicken etc.

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