Tour Code: 9CTU-DY

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🧷 巴朗山隧道:巴朗山又称“斑斓山”,位于卧龙自然保护区至四姑娘山风景区之间

🧷 甲居藏寨:位于四川甘孜州丹巴县境内,距县城约8公里,是丹巴最具特色的旅游景区。

🧷 天路十八弯观景台:天路十八弯路呈U字型,整个路段共有三处观景台,可观赏壮观的道路景象

🧷 亚丁风景区:亚丁风景区位于四川省甘孜藏族自治州稻城县香格里拉镇境内,国家5A级旅游景区

🧷 波瓦山风光:波瓦山位于四川甘孜藏族州稻城县境内,在S216通往亚丁的路上必须过的一座高山,山顶比较平缓大部分是高山草旬,环绕四周的风景还可以。


🧷 Balang Hill TunnelBalang Mountain, also known as “Banlan Mountain”, is located between Wolong Nature Reserve and Siguniang Mountain Scenic Area.

🧷 Jiaju Tibetan VillageLocated in Danba County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan, about 8 kilometers away from the county seat, it is the most distinctive tourist attraction in Danba.

🧷 Tianlu Eighteen Bend Observation DeckThe Eighteenth Bend of Tianlu Road is U-shaped, and there are three viewing platforms in the entire road section, where you can enjoy the spectacular road scene

🧷 Yading Scenic AreaYading Scenic Area is located in Shangri-La Town, Daocheng County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, a national 5A-level tourist attraction

🧷 Bowa mountain sceneryBowa Mountain is located in Daocheng County, Ganzi Tibetan Prefecture, Sichuan. It is a high mountain that must be crossed on the way from S216 to Aden. The top of the mountain is relatively flat and most of it is alpine grass.

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